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Corolla Wild Horse Tours
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On our Outer Banks wild horse tours, ride into our “Outback” area past the road’s end, traversing several refuge areas and sanctuary sites like the Wild Horse Estates Conservation easement. Along the way we often see a variety of shore birds and other wildlife and of course our Colonial Spanish Mustangs! Learn the history and local lore discovering what makes this wild part of the Outer Banks unlike any other place on earth, interpreted by Corolla’s most experienced guide service.
Special Rates & Preferred Booking for K Club Owners & Guests:
$5 discount for all passengers, Children 12 & under ½ price
[button size=”medium” style=”primary” text=”Reserve Your Corolla Outbook Tour Here” link=”http://corollaoutback.com/reservations/” target=”_blank”]
At time of booking, please be prepared to provide property information (Realty Company and Property Name). Additional information may be required.
Alternatively, you may reach Corolla Outback at the contacts below.
Corolla Outback
(252) 453-4484